OpenTechSchool Brussels

OpenTechSchool is a worldwide community initiative offering free programming workshops and meetups to technology enthusiasts of all genders, backgrounds, and experience levels. It supports volunteer coaches in setting up events by taking care of the organizational details, encouraging coaches to create original teaching material.
I funded the Brussels chapter a few months after arriving in the city. What started as a small way to share back what I learn ended up as a 1000+ groups of people, linked by the same learning interest. Would that be materialising your last mind blowing idea, finding a way to express yourself through digital art, or just keep up to date with new technologies, OpenTechSchool Brussels is meant as a place to learn & create together. Our main aim is to reach out, to empower individuals from any background. We want to give people the skills to realise their own projects, would they be entrepreneur, artist, in reinsertion, makers or just curious!
Close enough to Brussels and curious about this initiative? Then join us on meetup: